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Free apps for reading on mobile or tablet there are many, although not so many that take care of the interface and do not fill everything with ads. That’s why, and because we are also digital readers, we celebrate Book Day by bringing the essential applications to read all kinds of PDFs, MOBIs and ePubs.

That said, few places are more satisfying to read than on the Xiaomi Pad 5. Whether for its ample autonomy – despite the power of the Snapdragon 860 processor and the 6 GB of RAM and 256 GB of internal storage – or for its 11-inch display at WQHD+ resolution, reading here is especially satisfying.

In addition, reading on a tablet today is a very different experience from just five years ago: blue light filters and ambient light intensity detection adjust the brightness so that we feel comfortable reading at all times. You can even make underlines with the official Smart Pen.

We could not ignore the home of the craziest fictions of the current literary universe. But beware, beyond fanfics, WattPad allows you to synchronize books, it has a solved reader and its community is full of ideas and material to contribute. If you get tired of the same old stuff, there will be new things to discover here every day.

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Mono/stereo (no multichannel). Sampling rates up to 48 kHz (but up to 44.1 kHz is recommended on devices with 44.1 kHz output, as the downsampler from 48 to 44.1 kHz does not include a low pass filter). 16 bits is recommended. No interpolation was applied for 24 bits.

Device implementations must support dynamic video resolution and frame rate shifting in standard APIs within the same stream for all VP8, VP9, H.264 and H.265 codecs in real time, and up to the maximum resolution supported by each codec on the device.

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In the permissions dialog that the system displays when you call requestPermissions(), it tells you what permissions your app needs, but not why. This can sometimes confuse the user. It is recommended that you explain why your app needs those permissions before you call requestPermissions().

A user’s willingness to grant permissions to a given app is greatly affected by the purpose associated with the permission. For example, a user’s willingness to grant access to their location will vary depending on whether the request is being made to support the app’s core functionality or to share that information with an ad network or data analytics company.1

After the user sees an educational UI, or the value displayed by shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale() indicates that you do not need to show an educational UI this time, it requests permission. Users see a system permissions dialog in which they can choose whether they want to grant a particular permission to your app.

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Maanta waxaan kuu keenaynaa mid ka mid ah dariiqooyinka ugu wanaagsan ee lagu cusbooneysiin karo LG G2 ee loo yaqaan ‘Android Lollipop official Stock’, wadada ma ahan mid kale oo aan ahayn iyada oo loo marayo Rom la kariyey oo ku saleysan qalabka rasmiga ah ee Android 5.0.1 LG Lollipop

Halkan waxaan kaaga tageynaa falanqeyn dhameystiran oo ku saabsan Woxter Zielo 400, oo ah xarun dhexdhexaad ah oo ku taal Android isla markaana lagu casriyeyn karo Android 5.0 Lollipop. Wax walba oo kayar 140 euro ayaa la dhigayaa gurigaaga.

Hoos waxaan ku sharaxeynaa dhammaan faahfaahinta ku saabsan khayaanada cusub ee isu ekeysiineysa xiritaanka Android-kaaga iyo sidoo kale dhammaan faahfaahinta si loo ogaado haddii aad tahay isticmaale saameyn ku yeeshay.

Sida loogu soo noqdo LG G2 D802 ee ka soo baxa Android Lollipop-ka illaa rasmiga ah ee loo yaqaan ‘Kit Kit Kit’ iyada oo aan loo baahnayn Qalabka Flash iyo iyada oo aan luminin Soo-kabashada ama xididka.

Halkan waxaan ku tusayaa sida loo cusbooneysiiyo LG G2 LG rasmiga ah ee loo yaqaan ‘Android Lollipop’ iyadoo la adeegsanayo caadadan Rom ee ah nooca Kuuriya oo noo oggolaan doonta inaan badbaadinno rukhsadaha Soo-kabashada iyo Rootka wax laga beddelay.