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Android change margin programmatically

How to divide linearlayout in android equally

All child elements of a LinearLayout are stacked one after the other, so a vertical list will only have one child element per row, regardless of their width, and a horizontal list will only have the height of one row (the height of the tallest child element, plus padding). A LinearLayout respects the margins between child elements and the gravity (right, centered or left alignment) of each child element.

This attribute assigns an «importance» value to a view in terms of the amount of space it should occupy on the screen. A larger weight enables expansion for the purpose of filling the remaining space in the top view.


Solution 1: This solution is the first that was given as soon as the problem was detected and it is also the simplest. It consists of giving a background color to the TableLayout and a different one to each cell, in this way we create the false impression that the table has a border (note that you have to leave margins in each cell for this to happen).

So far we get the same results as solution 1 but in a more elegant way, however, the incorporation of cell types and drawable elements gives us a power and flexibility that have nothing to do with the previous solution, being able to:

Transformations and styles are subordinated to the types of shapes that we can create with shape, which are not few. Although if we have more desire to try, we can also use other elements different to shape as for example a layer-list that combines several types of drawables as shape and images being able to create anything imaginable.

Android linearlayout spacing

In Java to use multitasking we must use the Thread class (i.e. the class we implement must inherit from the Thread class) and the Thread class implements the Runnable Interface. In the following class diagram we show the Runnable Interface and the Thread class with its main methods:

In this example we are going to simulate the cashing process of a supermarket; that is to say, some customers go with a cart full of products and a cashier charges them the products, passing them one by one through the cash register scanner. In this case the cashier must process the purchase customer by customer, that is to say that first she charges customer 1, then customer 2 and so on. For it we are going to define a class «Cashier» and a class «Customer» which will have an «array of integers» that will represent the products that have bought and the time that the cashier will take to pass the product by the scanner; that is to say, that if we have an array with [1,3,5] it will mean that the customer has bought 3 products and that the cashier will take in processing the product 1 ‘1 second’, the product 2 ‘3 seconds’ and the product 3 in ‘5 seconds’, with which it will take in charging the customer all his purchase ‘9 seconds’.

Android weight

It is now possible to attach external Kotlin-only APK sources when profiling and debugging previously compiled APKs. For more information, see Attaching Kotlin/Java source code.

It is now possible to attach external Kotlin-only APK sources when profiling and debugging pre-built APKs. For more information, see Attaching Kotlin/Java source codes.

If you want to set the emulator location to the location you selected on the map, click the Set location button near the bottom right of the Extended controls window.

To simulate the emulator following the route you saved, select the route in the Saved routes list and click Play route near the bottom right of the Extended controls window. To stop the simulation, click Stop route.

In addition to adding incremental annotation processing support for data binding, the IDE enhances the features and performance of the smart editor by creating data binding expressions in XML.