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Principales recursos para el desarrollo de apps en android

<string name=»permdesc_writeProfile» product=»default» msgid=»5552084294598465899″>»Allows apps to change or add personal profile information stored on your device, such as name and contact information. This means the app can recognize you and send your profile information to others.»</string>

<string name=»permdesc_readCalendar» product=»tablet» msgid=»4216462049057658723″>»Allows apps to read all calendar events stored on your tablet, including those of friends or coworkers. This permission lets apps share or store your calendar data, regardless of confidentiality or sensitivity.»</string>

<string name=»permdesc_readCalendar» product=»default» msgid=»7434548682470851583″>»Allows apps to read all calendar events stored on your phone, including those of friends or coworkers. This permission lets the app share or save your calendar data, regardless of confidentiality or sensitivity.»</string>

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JetBrains leader Dmitry Jemerov said that most languages don’t have the features they were looking for (with the exception of Scala). However, he cited Scala’s slow compile time as an obvious shortcoming. One of Kotlin’s stated goals is to compile as fast as Java.

The initial 1.0 version had a high compile time and, when asked its founders, they were not concerned. Time is proving them right and with the release of Kotlin 1.1 they managed to lower the times considerably. With version 1.2 they have achieved an additional 25% improvement with prospects to continue in this line for 1.2.x versions.

You get more speed, especially when it requires more complex operations with graphics issues. This is because JVM no longer needs to interpret JAVA code, it is executed directly on the device processor.

Absolutely yes. Do not use it if you want to program in c++ but for the needs of the project you are going to program. Usually use the NDK those applications that have a high processing cost such as game engines or libraries for use of specific elements.

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This also provided an opportunity for spam generators to abuse those systems and associate less salty content with articles, videos and posts created by other users in order to gain more visibility.

Older spam detection methods, such as the blocked word list, can be easily bypassed and are simply not compatible with advanced spam bots, which are continually evolving in their complexity. Currently, you can use machine learning models that were trained to detect this type of spam.

As you probably already know, machine learning is a buzzword these days, as it involves almost every industry, but how can you take your first steps to use these features as a web developer?

In this codelab, you will learn how to compile a web app from a blank canvas that solves the real problem of comment spam, using natural language processing (the art of understanding human language with a computer). Many web developers will encounter this problem while working on one of the growing number of web apps out there today, and this codelab will allow you to address those problems efficiently.

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Service Data may be processed on servers located outside the country in which our users and customers are located, as this process is often performed by centralized or regionalized operations, such as billing, support and security.

We develop Cloud Services with robust security features to protect information. The insights we gain from providing the services enable us to automatically detect and block security threats from affecting you.

When we delete data, we take careful steps to ensure that it is completely and securely removed from our active systems, or retained only in anonymized form. We take steps to ensure that our services protect information from accidental or malicious deletion through the use of backup systems.

We may update this Privacy Notice from time to time. We will not make significant changes without providing you with advance notice by sending you a direct communication or posting a prominent notice on this page describing the changes. We encourage you to frequently review this Privacy Notice, where we always indicate the date on which the most recent changes were posted.